Faculty Members



Names Research Interests Specialty Courses
HAYANAGI, KazunoriHAYANAGI, Kazunori Sociology of Culture, Narratology, Regional Studies (Switzerland, Nagasaki) Cultural Representations
KIMURA, NaokiKIMURA, Naoki History of Early Modern Japanese Policy and Diplomacy History of Japanese-Dutch Relations
MORIKAWA, YujiMORIKAWA, Yuji International Politics, International Relations, Peace Studies International Politics
NISHIDA, MichiruNISHIDA, Michiru International security, arms control, disarmament, non-proliferation Disarmament Studies
NISHIHARA, ToshiakiNISHIHARA, Toshiaki Linguistic Theory, Syntax, Corpus Linguistics, Applied Linguistics Corpus Linguistics
NOGAMI, TakenoriNOGAMI, Takenori Archaeology History of Cultural Exchange in the Asian Maritime Region
SAIHANJUNASAIHANJUNA Sociology of the Family, Migration Studies Interculturality and Families
SAITSU, YumikoSAITSU, Yumiko Japanese Folklore, Cultural Anthropology Cultural Resources
WANG, WeiWANG, Wei Cultural Anthropology, Ethnomusicology, Tourism Anthropology Intercultural Exchange
YANG, XiaoanYANG, Xiaoan Applied Linguistics, Experimental Phonetics Contrastive Linguistics

Associate Professors

Names Research Interests Specialty Courses
ANEGAWA, YudaiANEGAWA, Yudai Social History of Modern and Contemporary Hungary Modern and Contemporary History of Europe
COMPEL, RadomirCOMPEL, Radomir Political Science Comparative Politics
CUTRONE, PinoCUTRONE, Pino Intercultural Pragmatics¸Applied Linguistics/TESOL¸ Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis Cross-Cultural Communication
GUELBEYAZ, AbdurrahmanGUELBEYAZ, Abdurrahman Semiotics, Linguistics, Social Theory, Sociolinguistics, Language Acquisition and Education, Music Sociology Media and Communication Studies
HARADA, SoichiroHARADA, Soichiro Descriptive Linguistics of Japonic Languages especially Kyushu Japanese and Yaeyama Ryukyuan Japanese Linguistics
HOSODA, NaomiHOSODA, Naomi Cultural Anthropology, Southeast Asian Studies,International Labor Migration Anthropological Studies of Migration
KAWAMURA, ArinoriKAWAMURA, Arinori International Comparative Criminal Law, Asian/African Law, Law and Culture, Society and Development International Human Rights, Gender and Human Rights in International Relations, Peace Studies
KOMATSU, SatoruKOMATSU, Satoru Development Economics, Environmental Economics International Development
MINAMI, MakotoMINAMI, Makoto Historical Sociology, Global Sociology Transnationality
MORI, MotonaoMORI, Motonao Philosophy, Intellectual History, Cultural Studies Intellectual History
SATO, MihoSATO, Miho Health seeking behavior of people in low and middle income countries; health systems research Global Demographics
SATO, YasuakiSATO, Yasuaki Ethnobotany, Ecological Anthropology, African Area Studies Ecological Humanities
SHIRAI, ShojiSHIRAI, Shoji Career Design, Career Education, Students’ Job Selection, Academic-Industrial Collaboration Voluntary Internships
NISHIKAWA, MikakoNISHIKAWA, Mikako English Linguistics, Applied linguistics Applied linguistics(English)

Assistant Professors

Names Research Interests Specialty Courses
Tamura,KokiTAMURA, Koki Ethics, Moral Philosophy, Moral Education Ethics
TERADA,KuniyukiTERADA, Kuniyuki Sociology of Globalization, Social Theory, Normative Theory, Citizenship Studies
TOET, RudyTOET, Rudy Introduction to Japanese Linguistics Japanese Linguistics
YAMASHITA, NoboruYAMASHITA, Noboru Comparative Cultures, Japanese Cultural History, European Cultural History, Dutch and English Language Education Dutch Language Courses (i.e., Dutch I, II and III)