


    Language, Culture and Communication:
    The Keys to Success in the Modern Age of Globalization

    ピノ・カトローニ(Cutrone, Pino)

    English as a Foreign Language
    The general goal of my research program is to inform EFL pedagogy in Japan. To this end, my research agenda involves bringing together a wide variety of my interests in applied linguistics to address issues that affect Japanese EFL/ESL learners. Specifically, with a focus on spoken discourse, my research is concentrated on answering questions framed in the following areas: intercultural pragmatics, sociocultural influences on language use, motivation, second language acquisition, and pedagogical interventions.


    Cross-cultural Communication(異文化間コミュニケーション)
    The main goals of this class are to develop students’ English abilities and to raise awareness regarding intercultural communication, intercultural pragmatics and intercultural discourse analysis. While there will be an emphasis on oral communication, four skills (i.e., speaking, listening, reading, and writing) will be integrated in this course. This class will be taught using various methods including lectures, listening exercises using CDs and DVDs, group-work, and discussions. Each lesson, the class will focus on a selected reading designed to expose students to issues involving intercultural discourse found in popular media outlets. Students will be asked to engage in discussions and projects regarding these issues.
    The launching of the School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences is an exciting time for Nagasaki University and for me personally. I am extremely delighted to be associated with this new School and be given the opportunity to help you develop your language and communication skills. As English is currently the international language for communication used in such fields as international politics, academia, business and science, there has never been a more important time for young Japanese people to develop their proficiency in English than right now. I know that you will be up to the challenge, and I very much look forward to helping you on this wonderful journey!

    【PHOTO】September 2014 with SGHSS students at the University of Calgary in Canada


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